Home education evaluations

Home education evaluations

Are you a homeschooling family in Virginia that needs an end-of-year assessment (or several)? I was homeschooled through 8th grade, I have a master’s degree in English from James Madison University, I taught in public schools for 12 years, my three children are learning at home, and I’ve done a handful of these assessments for folks.

I’m a fan of unschooling, free-range learning, self-directed learning, doing what you love – no desks or bell schedules required. Life is learning.

I accept a very limited number of reviews to conduct, all remotely, and promptly provide super basic letters of evaluation that state that your child is “achieving an adequate level of educational growth and progress” for $80 (+$60 for each additional child).

Please email me at evals@clymerkurtz.com to learn more.